Piotr Kuchciński
This family of sofas and armchairs in a specific shape inspired by origami paper toys.
The collection has special elbow rests and the backrest is in a characteristic trapezoid shape that is leaning outwards, with hard upholstered body, additionally filled in with loose soft pads.
The carpet is placed between two big sofas and creates a cosy place to rest and play.
The collection also includes tables with characteristic bent tabletop rims.

He is the author of most of NOTI collections: Koti, Cactus, Ekori, Palo, Paxt, Ronin, Daaz, Serif, Muse, Mishell, Manta, Rosco, Mula, Linar plus, Clapp, King, Tritos, x40, Belem, Rotor, Compli.